Sunday, March 20, 2011


We are in the period of lent. The 40 days of lent represents the 40 days that Jesus spent in the desert being tempted by the devil. It is a time to contemplate our own faith and to pray. It is also a time that we sacrifice and give up something important to us in the same way God gave up his only son to death on the cross for our sins.

Lent is only 40 days long. Moses, one of the greatest of Gods servants, spent 40 years traveling through the desert leading Gods chosen to the Promised Land. Imagine what that was like for him. The sole leader of millions of people. Every one of them bringing their complaints to him. Every conflict between neighbors. He was the judge and jury for all crimes that were committed. You would think that a people who were being led and fed by God would be better behaved knowing God was watching them, but no. They were still human and victim to human temptation. In fact in the first reading we hear that God became so angry at their complaints that he kills many of them. They are consumed by fire because of their complaints.

But as strong as Moses was he cries out to God for help. To help him deal with all of the complaining and God answers his prayer. In the second reading we hear that God decides to help Moses by providing him with a council of 70 Elders to help him lead his people.

Leading is not an easy thing, even when it’s your chosen occupation. Our politicians chose to run for government and chose the lives of leading. Others of us are doing it more out of a sense of obligation to help. Leading and trying to be a good leader doing whats best for everyone isn’t easy.

Moses didn’t choose to lead. Moses was chosen by God. In fact, Moses argued with God. He tried to convince God that he was the wrong person to lead God’s people, God ignored his arguments and kept telling Moses what he needed to do. Moses was in direct communication with God. He knew exactly what was required of him and of the Israelites. He was chosen to lead his people out of Egypt and to the Promised Land. He was given the 10 commandments directly from God as well as the laws for the nation listed in the book of Leviticus and Numbers. There was no conflict in him on what needed to be done. It was the people who had problems with what they were told, even though they knew Moses was talking directly to God. Even though they depended on God for the manna every morning and evening to survive. Even though they had witnessed God’s wrath, not only against the Egyptians, but against themselves. They still complained.

As I have learned over the past 8 years here at Montclair heights church working with Vinnie and Bob and others, leading a church is not easy. For me, there are things I wanted from the church for myself which did not always match what the congregation wanted. Even what the congregation wants is not consistent between congregants. As Jodi joked yesterday, when two or more are gathered in God’s name there is conflict.

The consistory has always had the tough job of trying to make as many people as happy as they can, while also trying to keep in mind what God asks of his church and his people. When leading, the question that has always been in my mind, is what does God want and how do I lead in that way?

6 years ago I was chosen to be on the consistory by the congregation and I hope by God. In that time I’ve been on the consistory there has been complaining from the congregation to Beverly and the consistory, and between Beverly and the consistory on how the church should be run. Sometimes for little things that could be solved quickly and sometimes for more important things that took time.

For two years building up to Beverly’s resignation, members of the church came to me and other members of the consistory to complain about her. Beverly also heard a lot of complaints from the congregation and part of her problem was trying to deal with the complaints and still run the church the way she felt God was calling her to.

This was a tough time for the church and many people left, which caused more complaining to the consistory and you all know where that lead.

Here we are, over a year since Beverly left and the consistory has been working with the Classis to keep the church going. In the past year we still worked to do what we thought was the best for the church and the congregation while doing what God asked of us. But just as in Moses time, there was still complaining from both sides, the congregation and the consistory.

Once again we find ourselves at a turning point. Once again the future of the church is in question and once again the consistory is endeavoring to do what it can.

But just like Moses, we also know that only by the grace of God and with his blessing can we continue.

God had a purpose for the nation of Israel which included the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ to save the world. If you know your history, the Nation of Israel did not last long after Christ’s crucifixion. In 70 AD the temple was destroyed by the Romans. God’s plan for that nation was fulfilled through Christ and was no longer necessary. Israel as a nation ended and it’s people scattered around the world. It wasn’t until 1967 that a new Israel emerged to start again.

So what is God’s plan for our church. Will we continue? Has God fulfilled his purpose with this congregation? Will we, as the people of Israel, spread out to other churches and Congregations?

Tomorrow night we have a consistory meeting to discuss our future..

I invite you all to think about what this church means to you. Are you willing to change for it to continue? I ask that you pray for the consistory that we have the strength to know what we should do and lastly, pray that God’s will be done for the church and within our own lives.